Endorsement from D, Canada (shortly after the energy-stem-cell session)
I have had a massive shift energetically and physically…. It took me a few weeks to integrate and process the stem cell energies and as of May 1, I woke up and felt like I was literally in a new timeline and a “NEW” version of me has arrived. Some limiting beliefs and habits are gone and I am seeing myself differently. My body is feeling lighter and has a deeper glow.
Endorsement from S., U.K. (approximately 3 months after the energy-stem-cell session)
Of course I can give a glowing reference to the stem cell work on my human system.
Recently I underwent stem cell therapy with LZ and over the past two months the general improvement has been remarkable. I feel much stronger and my immune system is regenerating to combat the numerous viruses which circulate all around us. I am almost 74 but now feel much younger.
Follow-up from S, UK , a couple of months later
The stem cells may be another part of improving the sensory perception and I appear to be aware of feelings all around me. I am also aware that I can determine a person’s perception when in conversation with him/her. This would then translate to whether there may be a threat or conflict and possibly disengage with this person.
In some cases these people then may have an illness or even pass.
Could this be happening or am I imagining this scenario?
The stem cell treatment seems to continually evolve and improvement is happening on a daily basis. I initially thought that there would be a one-off hit but it now seems that it is continually improving and more long lasting.
Another follow-up from S. approximately 8 months after his stem cell treatment
I should mention the improvements my body is experiencing with the stem cells. My analogy of the progress would be to liken it to the feeding I gave to my lawn. Not much difference in the first three weeks but then the growth is amazing. My body feels as if it’s had a form of feeding and the repair work is ongoing. I understand what H has been telling you of his progress one year on with the constant improvements.
Endorsement from H., U.S. (written approximately one year after energy-stem-cell work)
Where does one start? In March of 2022 I could feel my body shutting down. I went to the doctor and he gave me an EKG. When he read the tape he said it was not good. That the bottom half of my heart was shutting down. After subsequent EKGs he indicated that the outlook was bleak. Each day I could feel the energy draining from me. I finally told L of my plight. She went to work on my stem cells and the rest is history.
Not only did she repair my heart, but in doing the work she did my thyroid was also repaired. I was given blood tests and a stress test with a scan of my heart. The paperwork from the tests show that my heart is above average and my thyroid is functioning normal. And my thyroid hasn’t been normal in twenty years.
Now, a year later I feel great. I would have to say that my biological age is closer to forty than to seventy-five.
As time passed even the bruises on my arms have disappeared. As anyone who is my age knows they seem to appear out of nowhere. They have been gone now for several months.
The last thing to be repaired was my lungs. In the last month my breathing has once again become normal. My lungs had suffered from a bad case of Covid in 2020.
Walking five miles a day is something I used to enjoy doing, but have not done since I got Covid. Now, once again five miles is a joy to do.
Sometimes when I wake up I think this is all a dream, but then I pull out the paperwork from all of those tests and see that it is all true. I’m truly blessed to have LZ in my life.
(There is more to the story, but it was getting quite long.)
If you would like to share your experience with the stem cells, your work with LZ, or what changes you are experiencing, please feel free to send your comments . Your identity will remain anonymous.
Endorsement from N., U.S. (several weeks after the stem-cell-energy session)
Lauren’s energy sessions are always profound for me. The stem cell work blew me away though! It was a bit more intense for sure! I was able to sense and see some of the work being done in real time. I could sense some of the areas being “injected” with stem cells. Afterwards I was dizzy in the way I get when exposed to higher frequencies. It was mild for the most part but after 30 hours I asked for the dizzy to slow down! It stopped! I also felt that my boundaries were strengthened exponentially! I believe it was because I was standing in my eternal self and not so much in 3D. I asked for that to back down a bit and it was granted. I know that slowing down the process for my comfort doesn’t affect the transition. The team will gradually adjust me so I achieve the same goal They always do! Physically.. right after the session I was free of the aches n pains that had been popping up in recent years.. I continue to recover faster or experience no pain! My internal systems seem to be working better too! What made me giggle was indeed someone told me that I looked so good and younger!! I know the work is ongoing.. I can feel it. I am so grateful for the ability to receive this kind of work! So so grateful that Lauren is able to share this with us!
Endorsement from M., U.K.
I've followed your work for years now and I have to say that it's been amazing to witness the evolution of what you offer. The stem cell work is maybe the most profound given how far-reaching it is. My brain had trouble accepting the full picture at first but now that my body is absorbing this new energy, I 'm able to grasp a little more of what this is really all about. It's subtle and, as you said, I can tell that this energy is going to affect me for months and maybe years. I can feel my cells altering a bit and I think the possibilities are going to be endless. That shoulder pain is completely gone and I have full mobility with it now. I guess I could say that the new stem cells or energy "repaired" me? I'm not sure how all of this is possible but I am sure that it definitely is possible. Thank you just isn't enough but - thank you.
It's been a few months. I wanted to update you on my progress. I'm feeling terrific. Every day I'm noticing
small changes. You said the work was subtle and would unfold over time. You were right. I feel stronger
and dare I say younger? That constant ache I told you about is gone. Amazing! I thank you again for
offering such incredible energy and hope to me and to so many others. Thank you!
Endorsement from K., Australia
Thank you so much for our session [❤] I feel amazing, in a way that is very new to me. I don't ever recall feeling so light-hearted and ok with myself [😃] it's a Big change, and I'm super excited and appreciative. 'extreme galactic energy' plus tweaking ... could get interesting me thinks. Love and my heart's gratitude for your journey your presence and all you do for us.
Endorsement from A., United States
Dear Lauren, I trust you work implicitly. I have had the pleasure and good fortune to work with you over the years and I knew when I read about the stem cell energy work that you work with that I had to have a session with you. Especially when I had tears in my eyes reading about it. I felt about half way through the session a warm tingly energy running through my feet and gradually moving up towards my knees. Then a lighter energy continued up to my abdomen and throughout my chest where I felt much lighter, clearer and could breathe easier. The feelings were tangible. It was wonderful to feel the difference. However, even if I had not felt anything I have total trust in knowing the energy and the work you are doing would have made just as much of an impact. I had many tears throughout the session. I can't say exactly why. I just know my gratitude runs deep! I whispered to myself after, "the best thing that's ever happened to me". This is a gift that will keep on giving, for that I can't thank you enough. Much love to you and all you do to help humanity. I am truly blessed. Thank you ~
Endorsement from M., U.K.
I received a Stem Cell session in January and the changes since then have been extraordinary. 6 months later I’ no longer need the two thyroid and anaemia medication I’ve been on for over 15 years. My blood tests show that my body has healed and is now doing what it needs to do without the meds. My energy levels have increased, I’m back at the gym and finally losing the excess weight I’ve been carrying around for years. And things continue to change and improve. So grateful to have been able to work with Lauren and her unique gifts.
Endorsement from K., U.S.
With the stem cells - the first thing I’m noticing this week is the physical pain in my bones and muscles I’d releasing. I’ve had zero headaches, and I’m not so stiff in my back and hips!!
Endorsement from J., Australia
Apologies for not writing yet but the stem cell session was positively life changing . Woah. Very grateful . So excited for life again and feel on purpose for the first time in years .
I feel like I’m able to access a higher / true consciousness daily it’s like I’m plugged into a higher vibrational reality. Not sure if I’m describing correctly but that’s the best I can find words for how I’m feeling.
Plus it feels like it’s building and getting stronger everyday inside me and that anything is possible. Feeling like a master creator [✨] [✨]
Truly grateful thank you.
(The key word .. re-structuring)
Stem cells are the body's raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.
The entirety of Existence is comprised of Energy. Energy has no walls or boundaries which means that all energy can potentially affect all energy. The energy work that LZ has been offering for approximately 45 years is accomplished by accessing higher dimensional frequencies and infusing them into the 3-D body/experience. The energy of the higher frequencies has the potential to affect soul, spirit, and body, which often leads to deep changes within the lives of those who connect with LZ and her energy work.
LZ exists without being limited to this temporary, 3-D experience. Her Purpose is to encourage others to do the same. To change your perspective and energy field holds the possibility of changing your life experience.
Understand that this is a process, a re-structuring of energy, a releasing of that which no longer resonates with you. Some effects are immediate. Some who have had this work done by LZ are still having positive changes after an entire year.
You may schedule an appointment with LZ by messaging ..
Appointments are 2-hours long. 30 minutes are consultation using a Skype call, one hour of long-distance energy work while you are quiet and meditating, and 30 minutes of a follow-up conversation about your 1-hour experience.
If you choose, you can ask for a follow-up conversation with LZ, via a Skype call.
The follow-up will be one to two weeks after your initial appointment and will last for 30 minutes.
Payment options are at the bottom of this page. Please do not send any payments until you have interacted with LZ and have an agreed-upon day and time set up for your appointment.
Deep Gratitude to all who understand this energy work and are open to deep change.